Update on Adoption

Many of you have asked in recent months about our adoption. Unfortunately, back in October our process to adopt was halted outside of our control. The sweet girl who was living with us had a family member pop up at the last minute who wanted to adopt her. She was of the age to make the decision and she decided to attempt to work that out. I know how difficult that must have been for her, because the draw of family is so strong in our lives. We still pray for her and ask that you do as well.

We are trusting the Lord in this. His faithfulness endures through ALL generations. It is enduring in our lives even now. Things may not have happened they way we desired, but we trust God's hand in it all. I'm thankful that we had the opportunity to show her the love of Jesus, even if only for a few months. I pray that she would constantly remember that love in her own life.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for us. We are continuing down the road of adoption through DSS and trusting God's timing for all of this. He is faithful. He always has been and He always will be.  Like David in Psalm 26:3, we trust in God's love before us, and walk in His faithfulness.

Psalm 26: 3 - For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.


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