Are They Still Adopting?

If you’re reading this post right now, this question has probably come to your mind at some point or another - Are the Ainsworths still adopting? Unless you are in our missional community, a huddle with us, or involved in the regular rhythms of our life, you may not know. I realize that for you, this has probably been a bit of an awkward journey. You may be unsure of the status of things, and afraid to ask because you don’t want to bring up a sensitive topic. We totally understand that.

Truthfully, it has been difficult, and we haven’t talked about it much because there hasn’t been much to talk about. We’ve been tied up in court hearings and proceedings that progress things, but ultimately haven’t led to any decisions. We have had many moments of great hope, believing that this was the time where things would be finalized, only to have that hope diminished by various circumstances. We’ve had long periods of nothing happening, proving difficult to endure with optimism. Through it all, we’ve persevered, believing God’s call to be better than our failing emotions.

To answer your question - Yes, we are still adopting

It’s been over two years at this point since we were supposed to have two beautiful little kids placed in our home. I would be lying if I didn’t say those two years have been hard. Every day we walk by the bedroom we worked so diligently to prepare for them, from building a bed to making quilts and curtains. With each glance, we experience a mixture of hope and sadness. Every time we open a drawer or cabinet with a child safety lock, we are reminded to pray for these kids.

I’m writing today because everything is changing over the next several days. We have a court hearing early next week that has the potential to be a final decision in all this. With this, we need each of you that have been praying for us over the last several years to spend some time praying over the coming days. 

Pray - 
1. For the Kids - Whether it’s a transition for them, or things stay the same, God loves these kids deeply. Pray that He would use either circumstance for His glory in their lives. 
2. For the Case - Pray that our judge will make a decision that’s best for the kids, that their welfare and well-being is at the core of the decision.

I know many of you have been praying for us, and we do appreciate that. Whatever happens, we will continue to trust and believe in God’s sovereign hand, not just over the world, but over our lives as well. He is working our lives, and this situation, for His best. We may think and believe that we know what’s best for us, but my idea of ‘best’ for me doesn’t begin to compare to God’s best for me. So if you pray for us, pray for God’s will and God’s best for our lives, and not just for our desires.

Whatever happens, our hope is in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our lives, whatever they may be, are only a reflection of the true life He’s given us. Our love is only a glimpse of the love that He has shown to us. Our family is a picture of the family that we receive from the reconciliation by Christ’s blood. Our adoption is ultimately a reflection of God adopting us as His children by the work of the cross.

He is good. He is love. He is best.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the update. We think about you guys often and miss being able to talk over the fence. We will be praying!
