God is Working for Good

I realized today that it's been around six months since we've posted anything here. That has been the case for a couple of reasons : 

1. We've been SO busy being a family. What a great joy we've found in that. Hardly a day goes by that our oldest doesn't remind us of that fact. She's so thankful to be part of a family, and to get to be part of a family forever. It's hard to believe all that the Lord has done over the last six months. Today I was looking back at old pictures and videos on my phone and seeing how these girls have grown so much in that time period. Even in the short six months that we've had them, it's hard to believe how much they've grown, and how much we've grown together. 

2. We haven't had a lot to share. You've seen our pictures on facebook and instagram (despite the fact that you can only see the backs of our girls). There has been a legal process happening behind the scenes that has slowed down the 'technicality' of our family being official, but it hasn't slowed down us becoming a family. That has been a day to day process of joy.

Today, we do have some news to share. Last week, our girls became legally free to adopt and this week, we signed adoptive paperwork to allow us to put a date on the calendar for that.  When I told our oldest what we were signing, she jumped up and down exclaiming "I'm so excited. This is my family forever!". It's a huge step for our family, and we feel like we have SO MUCH to celebrate. Even as I write this, I just received the email with the legal notification of this officially happening. God is good and He's working this for good.

With that though, it's hard to ignore the fact that there is pain behind it. There is a broken family behind it. And even though our girls don't understand it now, that brokenness will lead to pain in the future and hard questions to answer. That is hard, and it will be hard, but for now we rest in the joy we find in Romans 8:28:

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

God is doing what God does. He's bringing good from bad. He's bringing healing to brokenness. He's bringing joy to pain. So we celebrate the good, and trust the One who is working it. Pray for us as we get the joy of making this final in the coming days! (You'll finally get to see real pictures!!) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Joel and Em... Sam and I are soooo joyful with you!! Your faithfulness and patience in this horribly complicated process has truly been an inspiration to many of us!
