Big News for the Ainsworth Family!

I just got off a pretty exciting phone call. Let me give you some background -

Most of you know that this past year has been a difficult one for Emily and I. You can read back through this blog to find the history, but here’s a basic summary. We were in the process to adopt a beautiful thirteen year old girl through DSS and were confident that God was guiding the entire thing. She was with us for four wonderful months and then made the decision to attempt an adoption with a family member who stepped into the situation. It was heartbreaking for us, but we were still confident that the Lord was guiding the entire thing. We have realized through all this that we are called to obedience, even in difficulty. In all this, however, God has blessed us with His kindness and comfort, a wonderful marriage relationship, and incredible family and friends who have been a great support. We have much to be thankful for.

Today, we have even more to be thankful for. We still believe that God has called us to adopt through the DSS system. There are too many children in our own neighborhoods that are without families. A little while back, DSS contacted us and let us know that our file would be going to a selection committee for a young sibling group. A couple of weeks ago, we had the joy of discovering that we had been selected for a Foster to Adopt situation with a girl (almost 3 years) and a boy (1.5 years). Yesterday we met with DSS, were presented with all information on the kids, saw pictures of them (they are beyond adorable), and wanted to immediately say YES! Under state law we had to wait a day to do that, so that was the pretty exciting phone call I just got off of.

Their names both start with M, so for now, we will call them M&M in all of our online sharing. We are unable to share any details beyond that and probably can’t for awhile, but I will explain a little more about Foster to Adopt and where we are. In this situation, the rights of the parents have not yet been terminated (it’s in process), but DSS is fairly certain this will take place. So we will foster the children until they are legally free to adopt, and then be able to adopt them. It’s not a certain thing that they will ever be free for adoption (it’s ultimately up to a judge), but DSS wouldn’t move forward with this if they didn’t feel pretty confident. We understand the risk in this, and knowing that God has called us to care for the fatherless, have confidence in His best as we say yes.

This can be a very quick situation from here on. There is a ten day transition window, and barring any slow downs, these kids could be living with us in as little as 10 days! That’s a big transition for a family that’s never had little kids before, so we are working hard to get things ready with the little bit of information that we have at this point. Most people have 9 months for this, so we are working to prepare for two kids pretty quickly.

So we would ask that you please pray for us -
1. Pray for these sweet kids that they would have a smooth transition into our family.
2. Pray that we would be able to do the work of preparation needed ahead of time. As a side note, I’m leaving in the morning for a mission trip to Haiti for 7 days. Pray that Emily won’t feel overloaded or stressed working through this stuff without me here.
3. Pray for God’s best in this. That’s really what we desire for these kids and us. We hope and pray that it’s with us as a forever family.

Thanks for all your prayers over the last year or so. God never ceased working in this situation and we are thankful to be a part of His story!


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