Life (and blogging) is a Journey

I made a decision to separate my blog into two separate blogs. I think it's confusing to have family stuff and work/theological stuff located together. So for simplicity sake, I'm creating this new blog to deal with our adoption journey and family life. You can find my other blog dealing with christian issues here.

It's been interesting to look back on life as I've put this blog together. The last several years have been quite a journey for Emily and I. The Lord has been beyond good to us, but we've walked through some difficulty as well. Sometimes it seems easiest to put difficulty behind us. But the truth is, it's never really behind us. The things that we go through in life stick with us and make us who we are today. 

It's tempting in starting this new blog to just erase it all and start where we are, which is full of hope and joy in what God is doing. But the last year, our failed adoption, and the pain that came with it existed for the glory of our Lord. That's why I can't bring myself to erase the past. I believe it exists to strengthen us, but also maybe to encourage others. Adoption isn't always easy, and it doesn't always work out. But that doesn't mean it's not worth it. We learn from the journey. So take a journey through our blog and our story.

I hope and pray that this blog is an encouragement for people dealing with the pain and struggle of loss in adoption. God is faithful. He will carry you through. There are too many children out there in need of a family. We can't give up just because it's hard.

God has proven His faithfulness to us. We are in the process to adopt two beautiful kids, and though slowdowns continue to pop up, we ultimately trust in the sovereignty of God. He will have His will, and that will is beautiful and trustworthy.

He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.  - 1 Thess. 5:24


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