Get ready.

This is the most excited that I have ever been about a blog post.

Most of you know that Emily and I have spent the last two years working through DSS in SC to adopt a child. More recently, God began to work in our hearts to adopt an older child. More info on that here --->

Around November, Emily and I inquired about a girl that we saw online through DSS who was twelve years old. Pretty soon after, we got a call letting us know that we would be presented at a selection committee as possible adoptive parents for her. We were very excited about this, and began to pray for her and the process.

In early December, I had the chance to do an interview through Love Gave ( about our adoption process that was live streaming on the internet. You can watch that interview here ---> . There were pictures hanging up everywhere of kids who were waiting to be adopted in South Carolina. But there was one picture that was sitting right in front of the couch across from me. It was the only picture that was by itself. It was of a girl, and it was the girl that we had been praying for. There are over 1,100 older kids in South Carolina waiting to be adopted, and the only one who was pulled out to set on the stage was this girl that we were going to a selection committee for.

It was one of those moment where you just knew that God was working in a situation. We spent much of the two years earlier not finding much traction and wondering where God was taking us in all this. But as I sat through the interview talking about the great need of all these wonderful kids in our state without a family, I had her on my mind the entire time. It was really difficult to not start talking about it during the interview. God was making this personal in our lives, and Emily and I were getting very excited about that.

It really wasn’t much of a surprise at that point when we got a call in January letting us know that we had been selected by the state to adopt her. We knew God’s hand was in this. It took a couple of months at that point for them to pull together all her information, and last week, we had a meeting in Columbia where we were presented with all the information. We are beyond thrilled to move forward and to be a part of a young girl’s life, providing her with the love and stability that she deserves.

We are now putting together a scrapbook of our life, which they will present to her. After that, we will begin setting up a day visit, and then weekend visits where we get the chance to meet her and know her. Pray for God’s will to continue to work in the midst of all of this. Pray for this sweet girl that God will work in her life and have her be receptive to a new family. Pray for us that we would be obedient to God’s will and would display the love of Christ to her in this. We are so thankful to all of you for your prayers and thoughts over the last two years. Keep it up!


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